For small businesses like Modern Mill Solar, the number of qualified leads generated isn’t what really matters—it’s lowering the cost per lead that really makes the difference.
The ask from Modern Mill Solar, a local solar installation company, was simple and direct: they needed leads to fill their sales pipeline, and they needed the leads to be exclusive and cheap.
Over the last few years, [B]RIGHT Brand Performance Group has developed and refined our New Business Development framework, a multichannel lead generation program. This framework blends digital and traditional lead-gen tactics with new digital tools, automated efficiency, and hyper-targeted media activation to help companies, especially B2B companies, consistently develop new business in a constantly changing marketing landscape.
To meet Modern Mill Solar’s lead-gen challenge, we developed a messaging matrix with hundreds of ad message variations, and then we used paid social media to deploy those messages to targeted local audiences. Our goal was not just to increase leads but also to lower the cost per lead.