What We Do

At [B]BPG, we’re experts in all the nuanced intricacies that make the modern marketing landscape so complicated.

We help you, whether you're a brand marketer, an agency strategist that need a data partner, a CMO that need greater precision in measuring efficacy to justify a marketing investment increase, a non-for-profit leader that is looking for a research partner to develop grant proposals, we at [B]BPG can help.

The truth is, we spent years grappling with the seismic changes that continue to shake the marketing world. We were implementing all our usual processes, but the results just weren’t the same. So we had to learn. We had to adapt. For instance, did you know?

  • Fewer then 20% of marketers say they feel confident in their ability to measure their return on investment (ROI).
  • 86% of marketers from companies of all sizes recognize the importance of first-party data.
  • Only 54% of global marketers are confident in their ability to measure full-funnel ROI.
  • Marketers expect a 40% increase in the number of data sources they use between 2021 and 2022.

There's so much opportunity for brands in today's marketing landscape. And now we’re here to shine a light on our data analytics and marketing research processes we’ve developed so that we can grow together and face the future as partners. And working together as partners is key to how [B]RIGHT does business.

at THE core, what we do is really simple:

We start with research.

Using primary research strategies, focus groups, survey and panel, and stakeholder/user interviews, [B]RIGHT helps you identify business opportunities of growth.

And we are not talking big research with their inflated costs and exhaustive turnaround time. We all have access to the same large data sets and; we've conducted 50+ focus groups, spoken to 100s of stakeholders, deployed 50+ survey programs; all with the goal of making it simple, fast, and affordable for all businesses, not just enterprise.


then we use deep data analysis and statistical modeling to identify opportunities:

We curate, analyze, and harness your data.

Using insights and recommendations from primary research, 1st party data and other data appends (search, social listening, secondary, synthetic), we lay a foundation for data-informed strategies that pinpoint best course of action for statistical modeling needs.

Data is more accessible than ever. There's no walled garden patrolled by big data anymore. The big data revolution began decades ago and the current data proliferation empowers brands of all sizes to access 2nd and 3rd party data, in a much more affordable way. We help you organize and harness data with efficiency and effectiveness.


finally, we develop a learning and activation plan:

Then we test, measure, learn, optimize, refresh, and attribute success.

With our data-informed framework, [B]RIGHT develops a learning and activation plan that allows us to drive ROI or ROAS performance through a predictable, predictive approach.

The reality is that most brands do not have a clear measurement or attribution strategy–no ROI or ROAS plan. We help bridge the gap between departments, strategy, and channels to allow you to be the internal hero with your organization's path to growth and profitability.


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The Changing Landscape of Marketing